The heel absorbs the force of your body weight with every step. While our feet are strong and resilient, too much stress over time can cause the inner structures of the foot to become overloaded – which can lead to injury and foot pain.

If you are feeling pain in your heels, it could be due to several things. The most common cause of heel pain is plantar fasciitis, which is the inflammation of the plantar fascia – the long band of thick tissue along the bottom of your foot that connects the heel bone to the toes. Other causes include Achilles tendonitis, hairline stress fractures in the heel bone, and tarsal tunnel syndrome (compression of a tibial nerve).

Let’s talk about some of the main factors that can cause pain in the heels, and where you can go in Cincinnati to find lasting relief from your heel pain.

Pain in the Heels from Wearing the Wrong Shoes

Wearing poor-fitting shoes, unsupportive shoes, or the wrong shoes for your sport or exercise can contribute to heel pain. Supportive shoes have arch support and cushioning to absorb the downward pressure on your feet while you stand and walk.

Shoes that should be avoided, or worn for brief amounts of time, include high heels, flip-flops, ballet flats, and worn-out shoes. If you must wear high heels, choose shoes that have wide, supportive heels. Choose flip-flops that have plenty of cushioning. Use orthotic inserts for ballet flats and even for those worn-out shoes you simply love.

If you play a particular sport, you should be wearing the appropriate shoes for the activity. If you have high arches or flat feet, custom orthotics are very beneficial in that they restore balance and ease pressure on the ball and heel of your foot every time it hits the ground. Being custom-made to your own feet, these special orthotics are designed to address your specific foot problem or to support your feet in your activity of choice.

Foot Structure Issues Causing Heel Pain

Imbalances can also be due to your foot anatomy. For instance, high arches or flat feet can cause a biomechanical imbalance from abnormal pronation.

Pronation occurs when the foot and inner ankle move inward rather than properly forward, which puts increased and concentrated strain on your heel. Subpination is the opposite, in which your foot and outer ankle move outward. These issues can cause referred pain in the heels.

Abnormal Growths on the Heel Bone

Plantar fasciitis can lead to the development of heel spurs, which are calcium deposits that form on the underside of the heel bone. They can cause pain in the heels, which can be a sharp pain or a dull, ongoing ache. Your foot and ankle doctor can help you find relief from your plantar fasciitis and bone spurs in your heel.

Heel Pain Treatment in Cincinnati, OH

Heel pain is one of the most common podiatric conditions that our foot and ankle doctors here at Cincinnati Foot & Ankle Care regularly treat. We have decades of experience treating pain in the heels, and we can provide a quick diagnosis and treatment so that you feel better immediately.

We will also assess your gait as well as your lifestyle and footwear, so we can recommend a prevention plan. This way, you will have lasting relief from heel pain.

To schedule an appointment with one of our outstanding podiatrists, call our podiatry clinic nearest you or fill out our appointment request form online now. We look forward to helping you achieve lasting relief from heel pain!