A Broken Foot needs immediate Medical Attention

Are you experiencing mild or severe foot pain as a result of a recent injury? If so, you may have sustained a fracture – a broken bone – without realizing it.

Causes of Foot and Ankle Fractures

Heavy impact, such as a falling or jumping from a height, accidents like tripping or dropping something heavy on your foot or toes, or stress from overuse are common forms of trauma that can cause broken bones and foot pain.

Fractures can occur in different areas of the foot and require treatment. Common fractures in the foot and ankle include:

If you suspect you have broken a bone in your ankle, foot, or toe, treat it first by using the RICE (rest, icing, compression, elevation) method. If the pain doesn’t dissipate or your foot becomes red or swollen, it’s a sign you need to see a podiatrist. With a fracture, you need to see one immediately.

If the bones do not move out of place, treatment typically involves wearing a cast, splint, rigid shoe, or walking boot and using crutches or a knee walker/scooter to get around until it heals. If the bones move out of place, you may need surgery to realign them. Toe fractures can usually be treated by taping the broken one to an adjoining toe and wearing a rigid shoe to limit movement while the bone heals.

If you are suffering from any type of broken bone, don’t wait to seek medical attention. At Cincinnati Foot & Ankle Care, our podiatrists have advanced clinical experience and use cutting-edge treatment methods to relieve your foot pain and get you back on your feet as quickly as possible.

To schedule an appointment, call us today at the location nearest to you or complete our convenient online form.

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