Plantar fasciitis is usually the reason behind heel pain. Those who run, play sports, or stand for long periods of time are at risk of irritating their plantar fascia, which is a tissue that connects the heel bone to the toes.

If your heel pain is new, you may try at-home treatments like taking anti-inflammatories, applying ice to your heel, and stretching and massaging your foot. There is a possibility that your heel pain will go away with these methods. However, if symptoms persist, it is best to make an appointment with a foot doctor. There are risks associated with untreated heel pain.

Let’s talk about what could happen if you don’t seek medical treatment for this issue.

Worse Symptoms

Plantar fasciitis that is not treated by a doctor can lead to aggravation of heel pain. When inflammation is not controlled, there is no stopping the degeneration of plantar fascia. Symptoms that are usually worse in the mornings and after exercise will eventually persist throughout the day and night. Over time, your ability to participate in activities can become increasingly limited as the pain intensifies and gets triggered by the most simplest of things, such as getting out of bed or standing for a few minutes.

More Podiatric Problems

There are other podiatric conditions that can develop from untreated plantar fasciitis. Heel spurs are the most well-known. The plantar fascia acts as a shock absorber every time the foot hits the ground. Bone spurs can develop on the heel as the body tries to heal the damage and protect the arch of the foot through fibroblastic activity. If you continue to use the affected foot, the plantar fascia could rupture, which can cause intense pain and swelling.

Poor Biomechanics

Untreated plantar fasciitis can lead to poor posture and foot biomechanics. People with this condition may not notice that their posture has changed and may begin to walk or run incorrectly in an effort to reduce the sensation of pain. This imbalance affects the entire musculoskeletal system and results in the hip, knee, back, neck, and ankle pain, as well as accelerated wear and tear on the joints.

More Invasive Treatment

Treating plantar fasciitis in its early stages is simple and easy, and usually only requires conservative treatment. However, once greater damage is inflicted by inflammation, more complex treatment such as surgery may be necessary to relieve symptoms of a damaged plantar fascia.

Plantar Fasciitis Treatment in Cincinnati, OH

Our podiatrists at Cincinnati Foot & Ankle Care are experts in treating plantar fasciitis and all other foot and ankle conditions. With our comprehensive treatment program for plantar fasciitis, you can experience immediate relief from heel pain and learn how to avoid a recurrence.

If you have healthy feet, you can get more out of life. There is no reason to suffer the pain any longer. Make an appointment with one of our foot and ankle doctors today. Call our podiatry clinic nearest you or use our appointment request form.